Thursday, 28 May 2015

How to Sell Your Antique Jewellery

Finding an appropriate buyer is not a big deal as you can visit a few places that buy jewellery. Well so what’s the difficult part, you may ask? How to get the best price for your old jewellery is the thing to consider, now here I would like to share a piece of advice on how one must sell antique jewellery appropriately.

· Now before selling any piece of jewel look at its overall aesthetics objectively and determine your price. On that note you can go through several magazines that can help you in knowing is your piece current in style or not.

· Rule of the thumb says, the jewellery being less worn will be sold on a higher price than the jewellery being worn more often. If your find any pieces damaged, seek out to restore and contact a Second hand jewellery dealer before selling.

· Last, cleanliness is very important to make it look as appealing as possible. And one of the safest ways to clean these jewellery are gentle scrub it with mild soap and warm water.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Certain Questions Answers about Jewellery Valuation

What is jewellery valuation? Well it’s a common practise of offering documents that certifies or describes an item of jewellery in detail. Jewellery valuation is beneficial in several ways to the customers such as it can be used for insurance purposes for instance if you have a diamond ring worth $10000 and you valuation comes out at $15000, so you can give it to your insurance company for $15000. 

Now here I would like to mention a few questions answers about jewellery valuation in Melbourne. 

· Why do I need to have my jewellery valued? Well one of the answers is aforementioned, and apart from that a professional valuation always safeguards your jewellery in case of lost, stolen or damaged. 

· Why you should opt for a registered valuer? Accurate valuation requires high skills, knowledge and experience. So do not risk yourself by choosing someone who is not registered, when it comes to jewellery valuation or Buy Chinese Art

· How often should these valuations be updated? Well it’s very important to reassess your jewellery in a year or a two in order to ensure for the current valuation process.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Buy Chinese Art in Australia: Advantages of Buying Art Online

Many share the passion of collecting art. Only a few handfuls follow through. It takes a keen eye and a lot of wandering to acquire a precious piece of beauty from any corner of the world. Many people have art consultants to go out looking for suitable art pieces for them. However, more often than not, they do it for the lack of choices as it isn’t possible to travel all the time for everyone. One of the solutions to these problems is buying art online! Let us look at a few benefits of pursuing it this way.
  • The first and the best advantage are to be able to discover artists all over the globe! There are no boundaries when t comes to the internet. One can buy Chinese Art in Australia sitting in the comforts of his drawing room!
  • Secondly, it is easy to find the valuation of certain pieces from around the globe online. One can easily conduct jewellery valuation in Melbourne with the help of authorised softwares.
For a glimpse at some art, visit Sotheby's Australia

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

How to buy Chinese art?

Chinese artworks have now a day’s become one of the popular commodities; many people have started investing in such artworks. However here I would like to mention a few tips or strategies that will guide you in buying Chinese art for your space.

· First is choosing the right medium, Many experts recommend in choosing the right ,medium that is if you are looking around for more affordable works you should be looking at smaller sizes in your budget. That is drawings, photographs; paintings are more affordable than oil paintings and great ancient sculptures.

· Second, whenever you Buy Chinese Art, always buy what you like, many a times people without any knowledge in art buy several things that aren’t required to buy. So before choosing any art have some basic knowledge and always tend to consult a professional.

· Last, either you buy Chinese art or you opt for any jewellery valuation in Melbourne, consider its potential future too. Take your own time in buying and enjoy the whole process thoroughly.

So that’s all for now, visit: Sotheby's Australia to get a better perspective.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

How to sell jewellery in effectively?

Jewellery is not only a piece of gem but it carries many emotions with it. So when you pair up emotions and appropriate pricing you can sell any jewellery effectively. Well this write up suggests several kinds of jewellery sales techniques that will guide you in making proper jewellery valuation in Melbourne

Firstly, being a seller always be negotiable. There are chances where high price tags often ruin the power of emotions and your potential customer might think of walking away. So try avoiding showing the prices to the customer unless and until you know what exactly is he looking for?

Secondly, in selling especially when it comes to jewellery, you have the unique opportunity to let the customer hold and stare at the piece as long as they want. So let them do and your jewellery will be sold all by itself without saying a word. 

Lastly, if possible try to give free accessories, such as inexpensive stones or offer them a pendant or ring for free, etc. After all many of us do appreciate such kinds of promotions, such tips are equally applicable when you think of selling Chinese Porcelain

So that’s all for now, to know more visit:

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

How to Select Art for Your Home?

“Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.”- Oscar Wilde. Selecting art of your home can be an exciting adventure and remembered for years since you are doing it all by yourself to make your home the reflection of your style. 

Now here I would like to mention a few pointers that will help you out in figuring what kind of art you like and how to execute the best effect in your home. 

Firstly, look around go through as much art as possible before you make your selection. Walk in to several renowned museums and galleries, in addition you can check out several local exhibitions or auctions where they buy and Sell Australian Art. 

Secondly, search for great art that you favour. Check out some of the masterpieces made by several well known artists for your best values. For instance you may check out folk art or contemporary categories for best buys. But before you buy Chinese Art or any other art don’t forget to check its feedback.

Lastly, art is a desire of everyman to express himself, it reveals the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in. Hence be mindful of quality, try to closely inspect the object itself. This tip is equally applicable when you opt for jewellery valuation in Melbourne.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Tips on selling your gold for cash

Jewelry is something that retains its value for long run. I am sure many of you especially girls will agree with me on this that irrespective of whatever you wear, a piece of fine jewelry can draw many hearts. 

But when it comes to sell antique jewellery there are certain pointers that one should keep in mind. After all one should always do some homework before selling their valuable pieces such as:

· Understanding the scales, the weight of gold helps in determining its actual value. However you can always consult a professional who can help you throughout the process of jewellery valuation.

· Knowing your karats, pure gold is too soft to be practically used so in order to create durability and color it is mixed with other metals. Hence it is very important to know the actual value of your jewelry. 

· Know what are you selling, by this what I mean to say is some gold items may be worth more when sold. For instance if you have a gold necklace or bracelet made by a well known designer or maker, then it may have a value beyond gold. Apart from that you will also fine several well known companies who sell gold and Sell Australian Art as well. 

Well visit: to know more.